My daughter called last week and she did the unthinkable – she asked for advice!
Does anyone else get it – the enormity of this call?
For 20 plus years I’ve given advice, I’ve instructed, I’ve set limits, I’ve tried to offer wise advice. And, if you’re like me, this advice was often met with eye rolls, disinterested yawns and ‘Oh, Mom’s’. Not the response my mama heart dreamed of.
So, when the unexpected call comes…..the one asking for advice – I gotta smile and enjoy 60 seconds of parenting glory.
This one little call got me to thinking about God and how He, too, is probably excited for our calls. He parents us with the ultimate love – He lets us choose. He does knock, but, then He waits. Love always waits for the call.
I’ve been captured as of late, by a phrase in the Bible about making the call to God – the bible refers to it as ‘inquiring of the Lord’. Asking God for help, for advice.
One of my favorite Bible guys, David, is noted for doing just that – “inquiring of the Lord” – nine times it’s recorded in the O.T.. David made this his practice, he went to God first – before attempting to go into battle, before his encounter with Goliath, in his escape plans from King Saul and his army. David’s go-to in every situation was to ‘inquire of the Lord‘.
Anyway, because I’ve been noticing the ‘inquire of the Lord’ passages in my Bible, well, I’ve been doing it a little more. Inquiring!
I’ll be honest, it didn’t used to be my ‘go-to’ move – I went to Google more than God for many years. Something is changing for me – in me – I want God’s help. I’m choosing His rule. I’m finding His ways sweeter. His path righter.
So, I’m inquiring and when I’m facing a what-should-I-do-situation– I’m asking for help. I’m asking for vision. I’m asking for advice.
This year of 2020 brings to mind 20/20 vision and isn’t that what we need in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic? Better vision. That’s why I’m asking God to ‘open my eyes’.
A wonderful Bible story illustrates this need for vision and asks the question we’re all asking in our distress….
”Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked (they were surrounded by an army and outnumbered – you get the picture). “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet (Elisha) answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes Lord, so that he may see.” And the Lord did it and the servant saw the hills filled with the Lord’s armies. ( II Kings 6:17)
I’ve been asking the Lord the same question the servant did ‘What shall I do?” since the coronavirus invaded our world and I’ve been praying like Elisha that the Lord would ‘open my eyes Lord, so that I may see‘.
Today, I want to see what God sees – a bigger vision than NPR news, a bigger vision than looming economic circumstances and my obsession with statistical curves and datapoints for the coronavirus.
Today I want to listen to God’s callings to me in the midst of this crisis. I have to remind myself to take my eyes off the news and I have to remind myself to fix my eyes on the Lord.
I’m preaching to the choir on this one – I need a reminder – inquiring of the Lord is just the thing for such a time as this.
Final Thoughts…
A Small Call – What do you think about the idea that crisis can open doors of opportunity for callings?
As I mentioned, I’ve been inquiring of the Lord – asking God what to do. And, He’s answered, but, it’s such a small thing. I felt an impression on my heart of the need to pray for one specific person and one specific business. I’ll be honest, in the past I’ve sometimes ignored callings to my heart because they seemed too small and insignificant. Not. Wise.
Today, I’m listening and I’ve started praying. I’m taking God’s call seriously.
How about you – is there some small calling you feel laid on your heart? May God bless you and strengthen you to hear His calling and to follow His lead amidst this crisis.
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