This morning sipping my coffee, sitting with my legs curled up beneath me in my favorite armchair, I asked God “Lead me.”
It hit me – it has been a long time since I voiced those words to the Lord.
I’m the woman with a plan – a woman with a mission to get from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. I tend to lead. Even in prayer.
I don’t go quietly to prayer, I go loudly. I go marching in with an army of answers – with my designated game plans and strategies – my GPS solutions clearly marked.
Today, I wonder, is this the way to approach the God who created the universe, who mapped out the stars and heavens, literally setting them in place? The One who holds all things together (me, included!) – the One whose every word and every purpose stands?
I’m embarrassed when I consider it. Who am I to tell the Potter what to do?
I don’t even own an instruction manual for my own life, besides the Bible, which God wrote.
Why do I want to take charge? Why do I want to lead?
Me, a hunk of clay, ordering the Master Artist in His design and plan. Not. Good.
Perhaps I need to take a different stance?
Perhaps, I should start with a little bit of awe and wonder given to the Most Holy? A wee bit of praise and a whole heart to listen.
That’s how Joshua and his men approached the armies and the intimidating walls of Jericho – musicians 1st, soldiers following.
Perhaps that’s a better war strategy for Christians?
Go to God – first. Then, follow His perfect lead. That’s what Joshua did – he followed God’s orders. Crazy as they appeared – musicians leading the soldiers, who marched, rather than fought. God’s instructions led to a triumphant victory. Not. Bad. Considering.
Perhaps that’s my best plan as well. Being led by God, rather than orchestrating my own chorus.
God’s plans or my plans?
It’s a big question. It seems an appropriate time of year to be asking it.
You may notice the title to this blog – it’s a question I ask myself frequently. It is a a tough direction for us, self directed, love-to-be-in-charge folk. Giving up the lead and choosing to follow.
Today, I choose to follow. You be the Potter, Lord. I’ll be the clay. Lead me. Your direction. Your plan. Your way. This day.
For anyone who wants to take this a step further,I give you my prayer of resolution for the year – not perfect, but a start…
** My Personal Prayer of Resolution to Follow God’s Lead
Lord, today I offer you full up control and lead of my life.
Lord, You rule. I’ll follow.. Lord,
Lord, I give you my plans. You be the architect of my life. I chose Your plans, this day.
Lord, I give you my wants – my heart desires – the places I long for. Lord, I want to align my heart with Yours and I chose this day to follow Your heart. I trust in You to recreate my heart with Your best design for me.
Lord, You know me and You know my ways. Today, I entrust my ways to Your care and ask that You lead me in better ways – Your righteous ways. You are good.
Lord, as we approach a New Year the future looms and I wonder which direction to take. You have the bigger picture – You see the potholes and the potential pitfalls to my journey. I ask for Your wisdom, Your guidance and Your protection. I need You beside me – Your presence and care for each step of my journey. Walk with me, this day.
Lord, I thank you and give You praise for all that You do. To You be the glory! Amen.
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